Sponsor a Project

21st Century Thame projects always need financial support

Since starting the #ThameTrees project in 2020 we have become much more active in our environmental arm and not all the work can be carried out by volunteers.

21st Century Thame is looking for sponsoring businesses who can support projects with funds for specific expenses but also to fund the administrative work that has to take place for any project to succeed.

We are also working very closely with all the groups in Thame who are actively engaging in the climate emergency with a view to ensuring that all projects with a passionate team behind them are supported in their efforts to allow them to concentrate on the project rather than the administration of bank accounts, insurance costs, finding funding etc etc etc.

Discuss sponsorship with us

Donate here

Bank : Lloyds Bank
Account Name: 21st Century Thame Ltd
Sort code: 30 98 56
Account Number 21715768
Ref : WEB {your name or organisation}

Your return on investment


As a sponsor of 21st Century Thame or any one of our projects you will see your company name against any projects that we agree your funding is sponsoring.

To see an example on our website – any #ThameTrees related projects or news pages have the logo main 2022 sponsor Lucy Electric along with Racquets Fitness Centre, Hamster Lips and SODC who have all contributed.  https://21stcenturythame.co.uk/current-projects/thametrees/.

We regularly put out social media on Facebook and Instagram showing your business as a sponsor – via 21st Century Thame channels.

We often have articles published on Thame Hub and Thame.net and also in the Thame Town Council newsletter.

Where applicable we are able to post onto Love Thame, Thame Ladies Network, Thame Business Network, Thame Green Living and other Facebook groups with thousands of members.

We are working with the Thame and District Rotary Club to organise planting parties for work parties from local businesses to take part in.

Carbon offsetting

By being in business your company cannot avoid releasing carbon, affecting bio-diversity and generating plastic use.

We hope that you are working on a programme of sustainability.  If you would like to consider having an energy audit done on your premises – then consider looking at Energy Solutions Oxfordshire. February 2022 Energy Solutions Oxfordshire are able to offer free energy audits.  Their audits will show you changes you could or should be making in your premises that would save you money over time.  They will also reduce your energy consumption thereby reducing your susceptibility to the fluctuating energy markets.

If your business is not in a position to take this option then maybe you are in a position to offset your carbon emissions by supporting local projects designed to reduce carbon within the community.

#ThameTrees from 21st Century Thame gives you the opportunity to do this and your employees and colleagues would be able to be involved in the planting and would be able to visit the trees that we plant.

Discuss sponsorship with us

Donate here

Bank : Lloyds Bank
Account Name: 21st Century Thame Ltd
Sort code: 30 98 56
Account Number 21715768
Ref : WEB {your name or organisation}