One of the local residents said ‘I completed a carbon footprint calculator and it completely changed my life.’.
So how about completing one for your household and see what the results are ? Are you contributing to the global climate crisis or are you doing your bit ?
If, after completing one, you find that you would like to get involved in the community around you to reduce emissions and increase bio-diversity there are plenty of groups that you can join each attempting to tackle the local issues with their own choice of projects.
Contact [email protected] and we can help you find help to reduce your footprint and to put you in touch with groups you can join.
The test takes approximately 5 minutes to complete.
The questions are divided in three sections: Housing, Travel and Consumption.
A very interesting calculator. You can choose what policies the government should put in place by when and this calculator will add up how much it will cost the country. A fun one to play with – with serious implications!
Carbon Footprint Ltd
A website full of carbon footprinting, carbon calculators, CO2 reduction, carbon offsetting and caring for the climate.
Whether you find numbers a bit daunting, or are a bit of a geek and love them, you’ll find one of our three calculators is right up your street.
If you come across other carbon footprint calculators that you would like to share with us please do send us a link at [email protected].