The untapped potential of our gardens

28th May 2024 Kate Bradbury (Guardian) writes about how our Gardens could play a part in the climate and biodiversity crisis that we are facing. She talks about how paving and roads make life easier for maintenance and travel but make life impossible for the flora and fauna that we rely on for long term survival.

Here are a couple of paragraphs from Kate’s article :

Nature has the means – to a degree – to limit the effects of climate change. Intact ecosystems such as forests, grasslands, oceans and peatlands are “carbon sinks” – natural storage systems that remove atmospheric carbon and other greenhouse gases – and are essential if we are to minimise global heating. But they also help mitigate the effects of climate change: a bed of sea grass or kelp can reduce the velocity of waves hitting shores, and therefore prevent coastal erosion; a river system, complete with beavers, can prevent flooding in towns and cities downstream, while woodlands, peatlands and other systems absorb and hold on to water.

Gardens could be part of the solution to the climate and biodiversity crisis. But what are we doing? Disappearing them beneath plastic and paving.

by Kate Bradbury

Read the rest of the article here :

by Kate Bradbury

Locally there are plenty of groups who are trying to change the way we look after our gardens. 21st Century Thame is just one of them. Thame Town Council works closely with all the groups to try to help grow their impact – you can see a list of the groups at Environmental Groups – Thame Town Council.

Look through our projects via the menu Our Projects.

The Thame Town Council also have an environmental newsletter which goes out regularly – which covers the work of all the groups – sign up here Local environmental news – Thame Town Council.