Wild Reconnection Experiences

The Mission

Connection with our wild animals, plants and spaces is a key factor in human health and wellbeing. It
governs whether or not we choose to protect and restore nature, take action on climate change, and
promote a healthy planet. Yet, in the UK, we are one of the worst countries in the Europe for nature
connectedness. We also have some of the most severely depleted wildlife.
By leading activities designed to reconnect local people with the wild, we want to create a
community with a desire to restore and experience the wild places within and around them, who will
feel better in themselves, and who will demand positive action for our shared future.

Wild Reconnection Experiences

Developing your sense of nature connection means more than just going on a trip to the local park,
or even a walk in the woods. To get the most benefit from our time outside, we need to be able to
spend time noticing, feeling, and appreciating the wild world around us.
When you join in with a wild reconnection experience, you will not only be looking out for some of
our more unusual and lesser seen wildlife. You will be taking the time to slow down, to take notice of
the ground, the quality of the air, and the way the clouds are moving. You will be meeting new
people, taking part in storytelling, looking for wild signs, measuring and talking to trees, plants, or
rivers, and using all of your senses.

Your Guide

Peter Eardland is an earth scientist turned secondary school teacher. He graduated with a first-class
degree in Earth Sciences from Oxford University, and received his PhD from the University of Bristol
researching cold water corals and their links to changes in the ocean. He then spent several years as
a researcher at University College London, using fossil plankton to reconstruct recent changes in the
North Atlantic. He is passionate about wildlife, and has been gradually finding out more about the
wild spaces around Thame.

Date for walk:

Friday 12th April 15:30 – 17:30 – Eythrope and the River Thame – Book here

We are operating the experiences on a ‘pay what you can’ basis to make them accessible to all. Our recommended contribution is £20 per person

If you have any questions at all, email us at [email protected]