This morning 420 trees along with stakes and guards arrived at Racquets Fitness Centre from the Woodland Trust.
These, along with some that have been nurtured over the summer, will be planted at :
Chinnor Rugby Club
Thame Town Cricket Club
MP Cricket Ground
Cuttlebrook Nature Reserve
Private land in Brill
The tree pack consists of 30 Hawthorn, 90 Hazel, 75 Silver birch, 90 Rowan, 45 Pedunculate oak and 105 Blackthorn trees.
We will be letting the mailing list know when we will be planting and needing some help.
Here is Sonja taking 210 saplings on her Cargo Electric bike to the Thame Allotments near the Rugby Club so that they can be ‘heeled in’ while we make arrangements for their planting. Thanks to John and Sonja for looking after the saplings until we’re ready.
If you are in need of transport of goods to help you during this Pandemic then please do contact Sonja who is happy to help. This electric bike is capable of carrying heavy loads. (Unfortunately, Sonja can’t transport people.)