An Oak tree was planted by #ThameTrees and the Thame Town Council this morning (10th November 2022) in memory of Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. The tree was donated by a local resident and planted by volunteers with the Deputy Mayor Adrian Dite and Chair of Thame Green Living, Charles Boundy, in attendance. We were greeted enthusiastically by one of the residents who lives on Hamilton Road who is one of the locals who have offered to water and look after the new trees on Table Top.
The oak has been nurtured in a pot from a small sapling for the past 5 years by local resident Mary Ann Evans. We thank her for being able to provide us with the tree at just the right time. It was definitely time to let it out and let is grow into the tree it is supposed to be.
The #Thame Trees project is an initiative of 21st Century Thame and is co-ordinated by Sue Martin-Downhill. The project has already planted over 3500 trees in and around Thame and will be helping Thame Green Living plant hedges and trees over the next couple of weeks elsewhere in Thame as well has a few more on Table Top.
The #Thame Trees project, initiated by 21st Century Thame and coordinated by Sue Martin-Downhill, has kindly donated, and organised the planting of, a locally nurtured oak tree to Thame Town Council.
The oak tree at “Tabletop” alongside Hamilton Road replaces the willow tree that was uprooted during the storms in December 2021.
We are pleased to be able to commemorate the late monarch, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, with this tree in conjunction with Thame Town Council and other local groups.
More trees are being planted on 23rd November on “Tabletop” and on the Queen Elizabeth Circle recreation area and each will be added to The Queen’s Green Canopy map.