21st Century Thame is launching a new project to try to make Thame a Disposable Coffee Cup Free Town. This is a part of our wider Green Champions Initiative.
We’ve got lots of ideas and passion to make this happen and we’re looking for people who would like to get involved.
Is seeing lots of disposable coffee cups needlessly going to landfill a bug bear of yours? Would you love to see everyone using re-usable coffee cups as standard? If so please join us, we’d love to work together to make this a reality. We’re hosting an initial meeting in October where we will map together a plan to make Thame Disposable Coffee Cup free! Please do spread the word with any friends or contacts who may be interested in getting involved too.
The first meeting of the 21st Century Thame Project to make Thame a Disposable Coffee Cup Free Town will be:
Tuesday 17th October
7pm in the bar at Racquets Fitness Centre
Email us at [email protected] if you would like to ask us any questions in advance