Thame Tree Propogate 2020 #ThameTrees

To ensure we have trees to plant in the future

Self sown saplings

If you find self sown saplings in your garden, you can dig them up and either replant in a better location or put them into a pot for a couple of years to grow into strong young trees.

Always try and dig deep for self sowns as they have often sent out a very long tap root, the more of which you can save , the better.

The optimum time for all of these jobs are November to February.

Best to keep them well watered through the summer and in a semi shaded situation as scorching hot sun can kill them.

The #ThameTrees project would like you to keep all self sown saplings and if you can’t nurture them we have people who would love to.  Just let us know that you have some.

Hard wood cuttings

Take a pencil thick stem growing from a healthy tree or shrub – about 30cm long.

Cut straight across about a centimetre under a bud.

Dip in rooting powder if you have any – if you don’t they may still work – many do !

Then pop it in a trench with a layer of sharp sand in the bottom of it – about 15 cm deep.

Leave it until next spring, you should see healthy buds starting to swell.

Then dig it up and either pot up or plant in its permanent home.

Don’t just do one cutting – do 50 !

We’ll find homes for them as soon as they are ready.

Can we find 50 self sown saplings in the next 2 weeks ?

Do you  have a tree that we could take cuttings from ?

If you don’t have space to plant up 10, 50 or 100 cuttings we could ask the Allotment owners.

Can we get 500 hard wood cuttings into the ground in the next 2 weeks ?

Get involved – come along – or contact us.


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