Thame Wombles News : Den still clear after months

Thame Wombles set out at the start of 2021 to clean up the litter in Thame.
One of the first big projects was to clear an elaborate den that has been built behind Lord Williams Upper School.
It had been there many years and there was much litter embedded within the undergrowth.  There was also large items to be cleared including pallets and chairs.
The Thame Wombles team for this removed over a tonne of rubbish and scrap metal. It was an area where they discovered needles and asbestos waste.
Nature has reclaimed the area, and it is looking good… for now…
Well done Joe Champman, Graham Matthews, Michelle Buggins and Seana McLachlan.  What a brilliant result.
If you would like to keep up-to-date with the work of the volunteers of Thame Wombles – of which there are over 400 members ! – please go to