Hedgehog highways in Thame

21st Century Thame is launching a new project to try to create more Hedgehog highways throughout Thame.

We have lots of ideas how to get more gardens involved in helping our spikey friends and we’re looking for people who’d like to get involved.

If you’ve got any ideas or if you know of any projects in Thame that are already doing this then please do make contact or come along to our meeting next week so that we can discuss the best plans and how we’re going to achieve them together.

The first meeting of the 21st Century Thame Hedgehog highway team will be :

Wednesday 26th April

7.30pm in the bar at Racquets Fitness Centre

This project will form part of our commitment to help complete the Thame Green Living Plan by 2030. On Page 21 of the plan we have :

OBJECTIVE: Promote more features to help biodiversity in our gardens

ACTION : Leave room for hedgehogs and wildlife


If you’re a local business and you like the idea of sponsoring this project then please contact [email protected] and we can discuss how sponsoring 21st Century Thame environmental projects works.

21st Century Thame 2024 Main Sponsors