We are so excited to be walking in the Thame Carnival Parade tomorrow (17th June 2023) with this amazing hedgehog from St Tiggywinkles Wildlife Hospital.
Staff from our new Hedgehog Highways lead sponsors BP Collins solicitors will be walking in the parade with us raising awareness of the plight of the UKs hedgehogs and encouraging you to get involved in helping our hedgehogs by opening up your gardens and providing what they need to survive.
Thame is a haven for hedgehogs but they need more space to roam, more water in this heat and more protective areas to sleep, hibernate and rear their young. Your gardens are perfect for them.
Come and collect a hedgehog water bowl and information about how to help the local hedgehogs from the BP Collins solicitors stall at Thame Carnival and find out more.
We were inspired to participate in the Thame Carnival parade this year by Climate Action Oxfordshire which is supported by Oxfordshire County Council. The Carnival falls within the 2023 Great Big Green Week and the £200 donation to our participation allowed us to entice Heather the Hedgehog out into the sun and join us in the parade. Hedgehog masks have been made by ‘A Stitch in Thame’ members and the parade walkers are members of 21st Century Thame’s Hedgehog Highways Project and staff of BP Collins.
Read about our new Hedgehog Highways Project and all the Thame hedgehog news here.
Getting involved in funding the project and joining our volunteers to raise awareness throughout Thame.