One of our hedgehog project team found this little cutie out and about. Noticing that it was pretty underweight they carefully picked the little hoglet up, placed it in a box and took a late night drive to our local wildlife hospital St Tiggywinkles in Haddenham.
Let’s hope that there is nothing wrong with the poor creature and that the team at Tiggywinkles will be able to help them.
Really this is the only thing that can be done. Take the hedgehog to somewhere they have experience of fattening them up for hibernation. It’s probably too late in the year for this hedgehog to do this on their own – even with high protein food left out for them. There may be other reasons why this hog hasn’t been able to feed enough – so being checked over by the wildlife hospital is likely to be their only chance of survival.
We are so lucky to have this wonderful wildlife hospital so close.
The hospital is always fundraising – in case you want to help –
Thanks to B P Collins for their wonderful sponsorship of this project 2023.