Peter Griffiths of #ThameTrees, a project of 21st Century Thame, made an application to I Dig Trees – a project by The Conservation Volunteers (TCV) sponsored by Ovo Energy. His application was for 450 hedge plants to be planted at Thame Skatepark with permission from Thame Town Counil.
Utilising a lawn stripper on loan from Helpful Hirings the ground was prepared.
The trees arrived last week and with the amazing help from the staff of Carmichael UK – a local recruitment agency for the construction industry – on Thursday 16th February 2023 we planted all 450 of these trees.
It was an amazing effort by all – almost everyone was experienced in tree planting as they had already been involved in planting up the Triangle area next door a month before – where Carmichael UK had sponsored the purchase of the hedge plants too. You can read about this project here.
On Monday 20th February a lorry load of mulch will be delivered by local Tree Surgeons JB Tree Services and this will finish off the job of protecting the hedges from weeds for the next year or so.
The planting at the Skatepark is an extension of the project started by Charles Boundy who leads Thame Green Living who, in conjunction with the Thame Town Council, has paved the way for planting of trees on Thame Town Council land.