The Hedgehog Highways Project team have been out and about this last couple of weekends raising awareness about the plight of our local hedgehogs.
We’d really like to thank BP Collins LLP for really getting enthusiastic at Thame Carnival – showing off our hand made hedgehog house, giving out bowls and answering questions as best they could about hedgehog care – and of course walking in the parade with Heather the Hedgehog from St Tiggywinkles Wildlife Hospital.
At Barley Hill Primary School Summer Fete the amazing Environmental Project officer for Thame Town Council, Becky, joined us on our stall. She and her daughter created 2 brilliant fete games centered around hedgehogs which went down so well as conversation starters. We are so pleased so many residents were interested in what we are trying to do and promised to take the bowls and keep them clean and filled.
The main topic of conversation has been how the hedgehogs will not be finding enough water to drink during this very hot weather.
We have given away 100 water bowls suitable for hedgehogs to drink out of safely.
We have supplied an information sheet along with the water bowls to help the residents start to care for the hedgehogs – even if they don’t see them.
We are keen to connect with at least one person on every street in Thame who will help encourage their neighbours to connect all the gardens with hedgehog holes to allow our hedgehogs to roam more freely across the neighbourhood.
Many people were interested in what they can do to encourage more hedgehogs to their gardens and we will be sending emails out regularly talking about what you can do and how we are trying to help.
So, if you live in Thame, Oxfordshire and you are interested in a free water bowl to help the hedgehogs please do contact [email protected].
Thanks to B P Collins for their wonderful sponsorship of this project 2023.